Get skills and understanding for a safe and healthy family life

Our Programmes

Family & Whanau
Youth & Parenting
Men Living Free
From Violence
This 20-week programme supports men to build a safe and respectful life for themselves and the people in their lives.
Learn more about yourself, how to handle your emotions, and how to value and respect yourself and others. This is an open group programme that you can join at any stage after an initial meeting with the facilitators. Our programmes are co-facilitated by men and women with a bi-cultural framework.
You’ll be supported in making life changes by learning about:
Triggers for anger and stress
The cycles and impact of violence and abuse
How to build self-awareness and gain self-control
How to make the best choices
How to use tools such as safety plans, conflict resolution strategies and ‘off-ramps’
Practical ways of making life changes through improved communication.
Women Living Free
From Violence
This programme is for women who are or have been victims of violence or who use violence and abuse, and want to build safe lives for themselves and their families.
This programme supports you in building a safe and healthy family life for yourself and your children, whether living together or apart. It is an open group programme that you can join at any stage after an initial meeting with our facilitators. We have individual and group programmes available, you can decide which works best for you when you come in for your intake session/s. We also have an online option available.
The programme aims to help you learn more about yourself and your relationships, and how to make positive life changes including:
how to handle your emotions
how to value and respect yourself and others
learning the impacts of violence on yourself and others
how to manage anger and resolve conflict
how to choose and grow healthy relationships
how to hold boundaries and keep yourself safe
how to communicate respectfully and assertively
safe parenting
Family & Whanau
Support Services
This free service is available to individuals, families and whanau where family violence has occurred.
Our Family & Whanau Support Service social workers will meet with you in your home or at Te Manawa Family Services offices to assess safety and risk, provide information, support and guidance, create safety plans, and identify support people and networks. We can make referrals to other agencies for support, provide guidance with obtaining Protection orders and monitor your safety and wellbeing.
Youth & Parenting

Coming January 2025:
Trauma Informed Parenting Group

  • Parenting children/tamaiti and young people/rangatahi who have experienced family violence

Sports/Arts Based Group

  • Working with children/tamaiti and young people/rangatahi who have experienced family violence to gain a sense of safety, emotional wellbeing and behavioural supports through therapeutic sports and arts based activities.

Family/Whānau Therapy

  • Family/Whānau led therapy to heal from the impacts of family violence.
Through these services, we support you to:
understand the impact of family violence on children
parent from a Trauma Informed viewpoint
build resilience in your parenting
understand how children communicate trauma
build safe family environments
give children a positive space to learn how to manage emotions and behaviour

Reach out, Make a Referral

Our programmes and services are free, and are available to anyone living in the Manawatu area. You can reach out to us yourself, or referrals can be made through the referrals page.
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